This proposal is to provide water and stop preventable diseases in a rural community of Uganda. The community we propose to help is Dula village in Kei sub-county, Yumbe District, Uganda. Dula has 358 households (roughly 2000 people). We are raising $15,825 to provide water, sanitation, touchless handwashing stations, malaria eradication, and income generation. Currently, the only water source for the village is an open water hole shared with animals (shown below). The nearest borehole is in the neighboring village which is 5 kms from the households to access. 54 households do not have latrines. 115 Latrines collapsed due to heavy rains (see second picture below). Malaria is on an upswing this year. A nearby community reported a 61% malaria incidence rate in 2020. In the proposed project, Chris Roesel, who has an MPH from Johns Hopkins in international health and decades of WASH work in other countries, Jeff Morgan, a local Kansas plumbing company owner and board member of Plumbers without Borders, and CCEDUC, a local Ugandan NGO, with support from Eric Lehan, P.E., Civil/Sanitation Engineer and member of Engineers without Borders, will work with Dula to stop disease transmission by improving water, sanitation, hygiene, and malaria prevention and treatment infrastructure and supplies. The result will be that Dula saves thousands of dollars in medical expenses a year and hundreds of days of lost labor due to illness. The work will be a simple process. The process will be as follows: • Require upfront community contributions to the community leadership for the activities. • Meet and consult the leadership of the District Health Office (Roesel established this relationship last year). • Convene a community meeting and plan with the community, using the Future Search Conference methodology (, condensed into two days. • Initiate baseline survey of water, diarrhea, malaria, and income. • Invite bids for state of the art work from local contractors. • Sign and supervise contracts. • Install at least one well and rainwater collection facilities. • Refurbish or rebuild latrines. Ensure malaria prevention (LLITNs) and treatment. • With support of TCP Global and, establish microloans group. Celebrate and conduct initial evaluation of work. • Impact will be evaluated one year later with support of DHO. The estimated cost of this project is $15,825, not including travel which will be paid for by team members.